
animated example of how stacking articulations interract

Articulations indicate performance information including the style of attack, delay, and manner or extent to which notes are connected or disconnected. These indications are represented by accents, staccato marks, tremolos, or harmonic symbols, for example.

Articulations are generally added with the Articulation tool icon or Simple Entry tool icon, but can also be applied to notes with the Selection tool icon. You can also use the Selection tool to quickly and easily move or delete articulations.

In Finale, articulations can be added either to one note at a time or to a whole group of notes at once. They are positioned in relation to that entry either above or below the note/entry. Finale automatically centers the markings to noteheads or stems, if you wish, and places them the proper distance from the noteheads; you'll even hear their effect on the music when you play it back.

The Articulation tool is also used for creating and editing the appearance of these markings. Each consists of a single character (letter) from any font or a shape; most of the time, you'll want to use the FinaleMaestro font, in which all the characters are musical symbols.

Noteman says: See Adding articulations for a step-by-step tutorial overview on adding articulations.

An articulation must be attached to a note (or a rest); you can't insert one into an empty measure. The marking maintains its position relative to that note, even if you transpose it; in fact, the symbol will automatically flip to the opposite side of the note if the stem changes direction, and even switch to a different symbol if the new stem direction warrants (as when a fermata symbol flips upside-down).

When multiple articulations are applied to the same note, like a bowing marking and an accent, Finale stacks the articulations based on the order of markings in the Articulation Selection dialog box and the Stack automatically setting in the Positioning section of the Articulation Designer dialog box.

Most markings commonly regarded as articulations fall into Finale's definition; however, some markings that are used to articulate musical passages, such as slurs and dynamics, are added with different tools (see Slurs and Expressions respectively).

For information on quickly adding or changing articulations by pressing a key on your computer keyboard, see Articulation Metatools. For information regarding the behavior of articulations in linked parts, see Articulations in linked parts.

Working with articulations individually

Working with articulations by region

Working with articulations globally (by document)

See also:

Articulation Selection dialog box

Articulation Designer dialog box

Articulation menu

Symbol Selection dialog box

Handle Positioning dialog box

Change Articulation Assignments dialog box

Let ring