He Licked Her Neck Up and Down Before Kissing Her Again

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Her luscious lips are hard to resist, but she can tire of make-out sessions.

"Women similar kissing because it is an emotionally intimate act," says Jill Weber, Ph.D., psychologist and author of Having Sex, Wanting Intimacy.

So if you want to get closer as a couple, get out of the addiction of attacking her mouth and lay romantic lip caresses on her about sensitive areas.

(For more than in-depth techniques—including a step-by-step guide on how to give her an orgasm—bank check out How to Pleasure a Adult female, the ultimate sex manual from the editors of Men's Health.)

Nape of the cervix

You know she likes yous to start at her neck—there's a certain vulnerability that drives her wild.

"Elevator her hair if information technology's long and kiss and gently nibble the expanse from the hairline right downwards to the collar bone. It's certain to produce goose bumps every time," says Jennifer Landa, M.D., and author of The Sexual practice Drive Solution for Women.

Small of the back

"This is where all the nerves for the genitals originate, so stimulation of the lower back with massage and kissing and nibbling is a great fashion to stimulate the area," says Dr. Landa.

Related: How to Last Longer In Bed

It'south likewise why she loves it when you place your hand on the small of her dorsum when you're out together—it's an intimate, sexy gesture that makes a adult female feel hot without information technology seeming out of the ordinary, she says.


Y'all may not discover a sweeter spot for her emotions than here. "What woman doesn't desire to go a loving buss from a human who loves her brain? It'due south a huge self-confidence architect, a soother, and a make-her-legs-weak, stiff-man move," says Walsh.

It might not be the thing to do in the bedchamber—you'll desire to focus on other areas at that point—but she'll capeesh when you pull her shut and found one on her head after a long day at work.

Related: 4 Places Y'all Shouldn't Touch During Sex


Fingertips have a huge concentration of nerve endings, making them sensitive to anything from piffling pecks to a long suck.

"When yous suck and lick her fingers, she gets an idea of your oral skills and pictures what it might be like when you lick and suck her more intimate areas," says Dr. Landa.


"Sucking on her nipples releases the hormone oxytocin, called 'the love hormone,' because it makes people feel more bonded," says Landa. "The nipples seem to have a hotline to the genitals, and for some women nipple stimulation volition send an impulse right to her clitoris."

Don't forget yous tin score points by showing some love to the remainder of her breast, too. (Know these v Facts About Her Breasts equally well.)


Her ears may be quite sensitive to lite licking and sucking because of all the supersensitive nerve endings there. "Well-nigh women are quite sensitive to auditory stimulation," says Landa. "And so while you suck her ear be sure to utilize the opportunity to whisper something about how attracted yous are to her and what y'all'd like to do to her after you end nibbling her lobes."

You tin too try pursing your lips and blowing cool air to counteract the hot breath from your whispers.


Once you lot land hither, y'all've reached the betoken of no return. "There are over 8,000 nerve endings in the clitoris solitary, compared to a man's mere 4,000 in the penis," says Christine Milrod, Ph.D.

If you've mastered Oral Sex 101, endeavour these 5 Oral Sex Moves You've Never Tried.


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Source: https://www.menshealth.com/sex-women/a19537502/7-places-kiss-besides-mouth-1/

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